Sunday, July 19, 2020

More progress

The Town Marshal is waiting for glue to dry to get primed.  Same for the first dozen (of 40) stands of Hunkpapa Sioux (using a Little Bighorn list, still need to sort out how many stands of foot to each 'circle', 132 stands of Sioux and Cheyenne mounted, only 96 on foot - I think, some changes have been going on).

Got all the sheep, goats, and pigs ready to paint after adding the recent additions and converting a half dozen each of pigs and sheep to 'dead'.  And not to forget the 5 stands of Peter Pig's chickens are now primed and ready for paint!

Also prepared all the bases needed for the Outlaws group (including being labelled), both of the civilian wagon trains, and all four of my stagecoaches (thinking about adding a fifth for the broken down, attacked by Indians, dead folk inside version).  Also prepped all the stands for the first 3 groups of Sioux on foot and 3 groups of Apache on foot and one of the native villages on foot.

Still looking for my missing oxen yokes. 😫

One day enough of these figures will be painted to have a game.  One day.

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