French and Indian War & Seven Years War in 10 mm (6/27)

February 20, 2017

Pulled out and started working on a whole bunch of pieces of this collection, figures-wise.  Except for the boat crews, every human figure now has its base skin tone.  Still need to do a wash to give it a better look.  Getting very close to being done with two more native warrior units and the native high command.  One more warrior unit to do, base skin tone and wash already applied and dried, and then the villagers and a few special groups of figures including the heroic groupings and the natives will be done.  One more provincial unit on the work table and eight more ready, prepped and primed, ready to paint and then just need to do the engineer/pioneer units and the rest of the wagons and carts and draft animals - many of which are on the painting bench.

Oh, and since the last post, I've textured all of the bases for all of the completed troops.

October 20, 2014

Below are shots showing most of my painted figures for this period.  It should be obvious that the bases are not textured.  This is because this is a very large rebasing project.  The photos show both types of infantry basing I will be using as standard across my entire figure collection.  There will something similar for mounted troops.  Artillery will follow a slight variation.  And all those carts and wagons and such (not shown here) will be based to fit rather than to some standard idea.
Above are six "companies" of my British, each company has two platoons - or maneuver elements if you prefer, 7 stands for each.
 Bringing up the read of the column is a provincial unit - Jersey Blues or Virginia regiment.
And here is the militia.
Regulars, 44th foot.  Why is the flag with the second platoon?  Just the way I decided to take the photos.  The officer in front is mounted and has a matching dismounted officer stand which you might see somewhere below.
 This is the highland grenadiers.
 And the regular highlanders.
 Protecting the head of the column and the head of its right flank are the rangers.
 A closer, lower angle of the head of the column.
 And one showing the highland commander - could maybe use some dull cote.  Probably get that after the base gets textured.
 One casualty stand for every platoon.  
 A full company with the dismount stand and casualties on display behind it.
 And a lower shot of the highlanders broken into two platoons again.
 The rangers lined up for an inspection.
 Here are four "platoons" of civilians in two "companies".  Can't do this war properly without civilians.
 From a lower angle.
 Some indians in process and the French militia nearing completion.
 Four companies of indians awaiting rebasing (since done).
 Here is a French column.
 Four companies, eight platoons.
 Troupes de la Marine in winter dress.
 Troupes de la Marine, summer dress.
Regiment la Reine.
And last, the Coureur du bois protecting the right flank.  If you visit the Scenery in General page, you will see more about creating this terrain.

August 18, 2013

The Great Rebasing begins!

This afternoon I primed up all the bases except some of the casualty ones (not enough of that size plus a bunch already based as needed) for the vast majority of my French and Indian War collection's new basing scheme.  I am going with the three figures to a base standard that I'm applying to all my historical periods.  The groupings that I did not prime bases for are the limbers and wagons and coaches and such, those will need a little more care in selecting the appropriate size.  The others are pretty standard.

Twenty European battalions, eight native battalions, the two pioneer battalions, all of the civilian groupings and the native villagers, the thirty pieces of ordinance and there attendant crewmen, the two small units of horse, and the heroes and villains figures all now have the new style bases ready.  While some of the figures still need to get painted and the newest figures acquired last year still need to get prepped and primed, a large part of the collection just needs to be rebased from their individual basing.

I suspect once I have all of the figures in this new basing scheme I will be able to consolidate the storage situation for these little folk.

Now I'm going to have to do some restocking on my collection of bases to move forward with other figures from other periods.

Oh, and I hope to match the new base textures to my basic terrain pattern, or at least pretty close.

March 27, 2013

Good news for the French and Indian War.  I have brought this collection back to the front of the line for painting and basing - well, rebasing.  It is my goal to have this collection 100% complete this year.  And I guess I need to list what I have here since I haven't done that yet.  Only need one figure to replace one that broke, a mounted command figure (does that really count as two?).  Other than that, I have everything sorted out.  Undecided about adding more Blue Moon buildings, maybe but they are so big which is great for skirmish level gaming but maybe not so great for the types of games I want to run which are much more in the 'grand skirmish' vein.

Don't have time today to do the detailed listing but just a quick overview: there are two regular units per side, plus a grenadier and light/chasseur unit each side, two colonial units or two colonial marines respectively, a ranger unit and a coureur du bois unit respectively, each side has a militia unit, there is an independent company unit and a unit made of detached units respectively, there are two highland units - one foot and one grenadier that are not matched on the other side, both sides also have artillery units and engineer/pioneer units, even have a small unit of mounted for each side.  And, of course, lots of native units, seven in total.  And for everything a good dose of casualty figures.  Also have plenty of civilians though not quite in the same 'unit' organization as everything else.

One element I've added to my collection - and will base differently than the others, either larger bases to make them distinct or maybe based singly rather than in threes, still undecided - are Heroes and Villains, British side, French side, and Native side.  These are not unit sized, of course.

All of the units except the mounted figures are in units of 3 groups of 12 figures plus two command stands.  Sometimes, the command has both a mounted and dismounted option though some units do not mounted command when that is appropriate to the unit, lights and natives and such.  And there are some higher command as well.  Plus canoes with crews, some batteux with crews, and even a couple of rafts.  And a selection of boats with crews and passengers.  Ships can be pilfered from my pirate collection, as can more civilians.

If you are good at math, you will understand why I've decided to base these figures in groups of three.  That's all for the moment.

August 27, 2012

Well, not the first photograph here on the blog, but the first topic specific ones.  Below are three shots of some units of Indians on some terrain in process and then the final shot shows the terrain complete - but without any figures on it.  The terrain is built for my pirate game - check the link under the tab for a whole blog on that topic.  That blue is just a plastic tarp and not the sea mat.  Again, see pirate blog.  Enjoy.  When I finish painting this collection I plan to take - and post - a photo of every unit.  That will be a LOT of photos.  Dull cote, must use some dull cote.  And do some rebasing that some won't like but works for me.  Those figures are all currently based on 1/2" square steel bases.  Eventually they'll all be three to a base.  Sacrilege you say for this era?  Not when you have more than one thousand figures!

Original post from 2012

Being the adventure begun by a young lad named George who went on to father a lot of folk, or so the legend has it.

Step lightly through the shadows for the feathers moving behind the fallen log are likely not those of a turkey or any other kind of bird.
Another period well on the way to being complete, just a few items from Blue Moon to round out the civilians and to populate and build a native village, maybe a few buildings, and done it will be with a little more painting effort.  Perhaps I'll have some photographs up here soonest.

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