February 10, 2025
Did some re-arranging of the various items to get a better sense of how to lay it out for a game and to help decide what I might want to add. So here are a couple more photos for reference, that is a 30" x 72" table with another to the left, fold line visible.
The above photo shows a possible arrangement for a base to be defended. The items on the right are the metal kits in those bags shown in yesterday's images. Those have an Imperial feel to me.And this second photo shows the other buildings arranged into a town grouping, as is approximately 30" x 36". Definitely has that Tatooine desert planet feel for me.
In both photos I've scattered around the scatter terrain (imagine that) to ensure it isn't overwhelming and, so far, so good. I can see myself adding at least five more buildings for the town and some more items for encampments. The missing gray building in the town is the one with three skeletons outside the front door so keep that for other uses within the Star Wars inspired world I am building.
Right now, I see a fort type set up, one for a town, another for the desert encampments, also a debris field as mentioned below. Have yet to find a suitable and affordable Endor forest moon buildings/trees model. And still need to build a space port that can be a companion to either the fortress or the town - or even both at the same time; for now at least, I am leaning towards scratch building using a bunch of those bits I've accumulated for that purpose. May include a bit of swamp into the mix as well.
February 9, 2025
Laid out most of my Star Wars buildings and a good portion of my associated scatter terrain to take stock of what I have and whether or not I need or want more.
With nearly 80 pieces of scatter terrain pictured and a good deal more smaller items like crates and barrels and such in cases in that box on the floor to the right of the table, I think I'm good on that front.
Those buildings in bags in the lower right are metal and square or rectangular, 'some assembly required'.
And just above them are some dead Star Wars animals - though the bluish one on the right in two pieces I think is more generic. Would love to find some more Star Wars canon animals, dead and even better alive, if available in 15 mm, especially 'naked' animals without riders. Have some banthas with riders.
With what is on the table and some items again in that box on the floor, there are a bit over 40 buildings. There is also enough detail parts to scratch build some additional buildings. I have at least one hexagonal bit from a craft store that will probably become an imperial outpost headquarters building. Not shown are some pieces I have to make 'landing pads' for things like my Millennium Falcon ship model.
Much of the scatter terrain came from Tabletop Terrain - as did those five buildings at the bottom of the above image (note the one on the left with skeletal remains just outside the door, pretty cool - in a modeling way).
Various bits.
A different pack - I ended up with two. A couple of items arrived broken in original order and Tabletop Terrain replaced the entire set rather than just the few broken pieces; truly exemplary customer service from them.
Just another pack of scatter, these meant to go on rooftops - for those yet to be built scratched additions.
Another set of scatter terrain.
And more.
And a closer shot of those found items, the big antenna is not connected to that building, just propped it up there for the photo. A number of additional antenna type scatter in those boxes on the floor.
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