Charlie G. ran a game of Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles at Great Escape Games this past Friday with six players - each of us having three units plus a leader. It was a "break through" scenario and his firsts time running the rules. I was on the side of the Zanzibaris who needed to exit down the road or near it.
I started the game with the Ace of Spades and moved one of my units down the road towards our objective. Got shot up and ended up having to pull back - there on the left above - and took some shock.Mike's forces followed up in support and he to got a bit beat up.
Merrick, also on our side, lined the bridge (very cool from Miniatures Building Authority - as was the hut and the black thing (a tent but not up the usual MBA standards).
Good stuff! I have only played "Bigger Battles" once, but we've played the skirmish system multiple times through different periods. Always produces a fun game.