Monday, October 28, 2013

20,001 Hits!

What?, not even close, just look at that hit counter.  Well, no, not that hit counter by itself.  But if you add up the hit counter for this and the associated pirate blog then it's passed 20,000 hits.

And for something that actually matters, yesterday I finished up the pirate 'in the water' casualties to have them ready for the two pirate games I am running at the local convention this weekend.

Both scenarios are stacking up to be fun and frustrating for the players.  Hope the games attract enough players and those who show up have a good time.  Photographs after the convention - if I remember to bring the camera!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A new link

I've added a link at the left to a local convention where I will be running a couple of pirate games.  For more on those games go to the pirate page and use the link to my other blog devoted to pirate gaming.  Hope to post photos after the event at the beginning of November.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


That is what I've decided to call a form of gaming I want to develop - using the basic idea of pulp gaming but pulling it back into the era of late Victorian and early Edwardian time frames.  And, of course, using Jules Verne and similar as a essential point of inspiration.  Okay, I hear many of you saying - isn't that VSF?  No, I don't think so.  VSF seems to me to border on the realm of fantasy rather than history through a Hollywood lense.  I prefer to take actual history and then lay upon it what Hollywood might have done if it existed, say, fifteen to twenty years earlier.  That is my perception of pulp.  And I want to pull that perceptive view backwards and have Pre-Pulp as a gaming era, fictitious history instead of fantastical non-history.

Anxiously waiting to see what Blue Moon Manufacturing's The Night Chicago Died civilian pack looks like to see what can be adapted to my purposes.

Oh, I am working on relocating my gaming table from the confines of the garage - and getting my parking space back in there - and moving it to an enclosed lanai.  Does mean going with a 5' x 12' basic table but I think there are a great many gamers who can only dream of having such a space, alas.  And since I game exclusively in 15 mm, that means the table is effectively larger than that in comparison to what others use.  A month or two away from full realization.