Been away in the film making world the past few months, just making a couple of short movies. First of two previews tonight on a local IMAX screen with the more ambitious project making its premier on October 4th. Made a visit to southern California last weekend to include a trip to Disneyland and a brief visit to Brookhurst Hobbies to make a few small purchases. Besides the film making activities, been very busy on the house front, getting a variety of exterior items attended to and once that is done moving to some interior work. So, miniatures - while not abandoned - have been on a very small and barely lukewarm back burner for the past many months. And will continue that way for a while as I also focus on a feature screenplay project and getting a model rail road project to its next step. About the only thing miniatures wise to get much of my attention - maybe - will be a local approaching convention that I hope to attend. But I will be back with more at some point. This is but a checking in post.
And, nice to report, the unwanted visits seem to have dwindled away and now seems to be just the genuinely interested stopping by.
Where playing with toy soldiers is the whole point - and sharing the joy of doing so. And keeping a record of what's been done and what is still awaiting completion. A note of caution for those unfamiliar: this activity can be remarkably addictive and take over your free time. Well, now wait a minute, it's so much fun that shouldn't be a problem. Oh, that's right. It's not! (title with asterisk in bar below is newest or most recent modification to a Page topic)
Viking, R.Hood, Dumas, Pirate, FIW, AWI, Mutiny, ACW, Pony, AES, FFL, Scramble, Boxers
- Home
- Viking Era (3/18)
- Robin Hood & Medieval Jousting (5)
- Dumas' Musketeers (4)
- Pirates (2)
- French and Indian War (6/27)
- American Revolution (14/2)
- Mountain Men (3)
- Indian Mutiny (5/2)
- American Civil War (3/4)
- The Wild West (26 + 99/1)
- Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1)
- French Foreign Legion (5)
- The Steeplechase (11/26)*
- Vicky's H.A.G. (1)
- Scenery in General (8/93)
- Buildings (2/111)
- Zoologicals (7/20)
- For Newbies and other thoughts
- Boxer Rebellion (21/100)
- Star Wars
Sunday, September 13, 2015
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