That simple. Haven't seen that movie in a lot of years. A lot. But it resonated deep within my imagination. Just finished rewatching it. And, clearly, that movie is one of the key inspirations to my Wild West figure collection. Certainly, those other movies mentioned at the head of that particular page were key inspirations as well - but they provide the comic relief. Chisum guides, in so many ways, the more 'serious' game.
I don't plan to stage refights of the Lincoln County War but it will inspire a fictional campaign that will travel across as many table top actions as life will provide opportunity for.
Oh, and that AWI game for tomorrow? Not happening, misinformed informant; guess you'll just have to wait for more photos. Do hope to get some painting done tomorrow and maybe I'll snap and post some shots of what I get done.
Almost time to go wake the wife so we can celebrate the turning of the New Year before she goes back to sleep to get up early and work tomorrow.
So, for all those who visit here: A safe and happy new year to you all - and may you play enough games to look back fondly by its end.
Where playing with toy soldiers is the whole point - and sharing the joy of doing so. And keeping a record of what's been done and what is still awaiting completion. A note of caution for those unfamiliar: this activity can be remarkably addictive and take over your free time. Well, now wait a minute, it's so much fun that shouldn't be a problem. Oh, that's right. It's not! (title with asterisk in bar below is newest or most recent modification to a Page topic)
Viking, R.Hood, Dumas, Pirate, FIW, AWI, Mutiny, ACW, Pony, AES, FFL, Scramble, Boxers
- Home
- Viking Era (3/18)
- Robin Hood & Medieval Jousting (5)
- Dumas' Musketeers (4)
- Pirates (2)
- French and Indian War (6/27)
- American Revolution (14/2)
- Mountain Men (3)
- Indian Mutiny (5/2)
- American Civil War (3/4)
- The Wild West (26 + 99/1)
- Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1)
- French Foreign Legion (5)
- The Steeplechase (11/26)*
- Vicky's H.A.G. (1)
- Scenery in General (8/93)
- Buildings (2/111)
- Zoologicals (7/20)
- For Newbies and other thoughts
- Boxer Rebellion (21/100)
- Star Wars
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Latter Links
Over to the left are a bunch of links, most newly added as of the date of this post. All of them are United States based so far. Nothing against others around the world; I just decided to start here in my own home base. If you know of others that should be there, please let me know. The only rule is that they need to have either a strong focus on 15 mm or be otherwise somehow special and worthy of including here. And, for now, I want to list first those who call their home the United States (though Canada might get a nod). The site for Major General Tremorden Reddering is, of course, one of the special ones.
If all goes well, I hope to play in an AWI game on New Year's Day and will try and bring along the camera to get some nice photographs in order to post here, well, under the AWI tab. If it happens, I expect the game to be in 15 mm. Certainly hope it happens because that would be a great way to start 2013.
If all goes well, I hope to play in an AWI game on New Year's Day and will try and bring along the camera to get some nice photographs in order to post here, well, under the AWI tab. If it happens, I expect the game to be in 15 mm. Certainly hope it happens because that would be a great way to start 2013.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
15 mm Sedan Chair!
Alright, it is a bloody long name for the link (under the hood for you, though), but too cool not to share:
Black Hat's Marlburian Sedan Chair
Just found this tonight while roaming around the web. And to think, only days ago I cast my imagination tab into purgatory status. Perhaps this item will revive some interest in me to keep this going.
What with the late autumn and now winter rainy weather, I've found myself spending more time posting here than I expected. Just not really getting into photo mood yet. Part of the challenge has been the holidays and a much bigger part has been getting ready for some contractor work on the house and needing to shove so many things "off to the side" until this gets done.
Well, having found and shared with you the sedan chair news, I'm going to slip back into the web for some more searching before stumbling off to dream of miniatures who paint themselves while I sleep.
Black Hat's Marlburian Sedan Chair
Just found this tonight while roaming around the web. And to think, only days ago I cast my imagination tab into purgatory status. Perhaps this item will revive some interest in me to keep this going.
What with the late autumn and now winter rainy weather, I've found myself spending more time posting here than I expected. Just not really getting into photo mood yet. Part of the challenge has been the holidays and a much bigger part has been getting ready for some contractor work on the house and needing to shove so many things "off to the side" until this gets done.
Well, having found and shared with you the sedan chair news, I'm going to slip back into the web for some more searching before stumbling off to dream of miniatures who paint themselves while I sleep.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
On the trail of THE Major General
Ah-ha! Yes, indeed, I have sleuthed out the current location of Major General Tremorden-Reddering. And I've found clear and unambiguous evidence that he has returned to gaming - or at least has a desire to do so. The question is - what do I do with this critical intelligence?
More importantly, courtesy of a particular professional on-line linking service, I find we are separated by but three degrees of digital latitude. Oh, what to do, what to do? Do I invade his privacy in order to guide him to the light of understanding how great his value is in the gaming community (as if he didn't know already!)? Or, do I leave him to languish in obscurity?
How say you all who enter here?
...battening down the storm shutters...
More importantly, courtesy of a particular professional on-line linking service, I find we are separated by but three degrees of digital latitude. Oh, what to do, what to do? Do I invade his privacy in order to guide him to the light of understanding how great his value is in the gaming community (as if he didn't know already!)? Or, do I leave him to languish in obscurity?
How say you all who enter here?
...battening down the storm shutters...
Monday, December 24, 2012
Erudition Addition
Nice to know I still have flashes of brilliance! Or at least a good idea.
If you'll take careful note of the change to the tabs for all of the various and sundry pages here, you will note the addition of parenthetical expressions wherein there is either a number or a dash or, in a couple of cases, a number, a slash, and another number. What these indicate are thus: the dash means there is only the original and undated post under that tab; the solitary number (no double digits yet) indicates how many dated posts there have been but not including the original post (didn't start out dating them and still digging around to see if I can resurrect the original dates - though not of any particular importance); and last when there is the slash followed by a second number that records how many photographs there on that page. (Yes, yes, I know you all want more numbers after the slash - and I do as well but life continues to be in the way.)
The whole purpose of making this change is so that those of you who come here to visit from time to time can quickly determine whether the pages of interest to you contain new information or photographs or not. I leave it to you to remember what the number was the last time you were here. Part of what motivated this idea to pop into my head was being slightly annoyed at a favorite manufacturer's site not having any easy way to determine if they've added product or not. And a secondary purpose is so I can keep similar tabs on what I've been up to. While I figure I have a decade or three, hopefully the latter, before I enter into my dotage, there is always those moments when the mind wanders unavoidably. In my case it is not usually the curvature of the earth that causes my mind to wander - just curvature, one of life's finer points, that.
So, you are all quite welcome for my offering you this munificent boon.
If you'll take careful note of the change to the tabs for all of the various and sundry pages here, you will note the addition of parenthetical expressions wherein there is either a number or a dash or, in a couple of cases, a number, a slash, and another number. What these indicate are thus: the dash means there is only the original and undated post under that tab; the solitary number (no double digits yet) indicates how many dated posts there have been but not including the original post (didn't start out dating them and still digging around to see if I can resurrect the original dates - though not of any particular importance); and last when there is the slash followed by a second number that records how many photographs there on that page. (Yes, yes, I know you all want more numbers after the slash - and I do as well but life continues to be in the way.)
The whole purpose of making this change is so that those of you who come here to visit from time to time can quickly determine whether the pages of interest to you contain new information or photographs or not. I leave it to you to remember what the number was the last time you were here. Part of what motivated this idea to pop into my head was being slightly annoyed at a favorite manufacturer's site not having any easy way to determine if they've added product or not. And a secondary purpose is so I can keep similar tabs on what I've been up to. While I figure I have a decade or three, hopefully the latter, before I enter into my dotage, there is always those moments when the mind wanders unavoidably. In my case it is not usually the curvature of the earth that causes my mind to wander - just curvature, one of life's finer points, that.
So, you are all quite welcome for my offering you this munificent boon.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
And the beat goes on...
Added the listing for the Indian Mutiny for those inclined to study in detail the evidence of my hobby oriented derangement. Closing in on having most of them up here, quite a task.
Friday, December 14, 2012
A Posting I Have Gone
Well, just in two days I've listed my figures under four tabs - the Sudan (only broadly brushed out the native side), the Musketeers, the Boxer Rebellion, and the American Civil War.
And I've been considering taking down the Imaginations tab. I joined a yahoo group devoted to that and got so many zany replies - and so little of helpful consequence - that it caused me to reconsider. Besides, I'm thinking to add in an old interest that has resurfaced lately. I just might get back in to building a collection for the Seven Years War in Europe. I loved playing that era with Mike Nemechek's Volley Fire rules. Since I still have the rules, I only need the figures. But if I do go that route its going to be small scale, either Baccus in 6 mm or Irregular in 2 mm. That decision, either way, is out on the horizon. Not as if I don't have enough to keep me occupied already! Oh, and on that whole imaginations concept, I still might play with it but not in the way others do. Might even mix it up with the Seven Years War and have an imaginary nation's force to put on the table - but not with the level of effort some put into such things. I like to keep things simple. Except when I go shopping for miniatures.
And I've been considering taking down the Imaginations tab. I joined a yahoo group devoted to that and got so many zany replies - and so little of helpful consequence - that it caused me to reconsider. Besides, I'm thinking to add in an old interest that has resurfaced lately. I just might get back in to building a collection for the Seven Years War in Europe. I loved playing that era with Mike Nemechek's Volley Fire rules. Since I still have the rules, I only need the figures. But if I do go that route its going to be small scale, either Baccus in 6 mm or Irregular in 2 mm. That decision, either way, is out on the horizon. Not as if I don't have enough to keep me occupied already! Oh, and on that whole imaginations concept, I still might play with it but not in the way others do. Might even mix it up with the Seven Years War and have an imaginary nation's force to put on the table - but not with the level of effort some put into such things. I like to keep things simple. Except when I go shopping for miniatures.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Well, now I did it!
I hope. Decided to open the blog up for commentary - with some hesitation. Like the idea of people being able to comment as long the comments are appropriate. Do worry a bit about the unsavory side of life inserting itself and, if it does, this is a feature that might go away. But hopefully that won't be an issue. As I have time, I tinker a bit with the structure of this blog.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
A Travesty Repaired
It occurred to me today - well, yesterday - that I haven't made an important link and acknowledgment. The link is to the left. The acknowledgment is to Richard's WarIn15mm. While I started my collection and had in mind all of the collections I have long before I ever heard of him or encountered his site, this very site is absolutely inspired by his. Hope some day I can have as many painted figures as he does.
There, that's taken care of. And, wow, I actually put some paint on figures this week!
And while I was at it, I decided to add the widget that shows how many page views to the site. I continue to be surprised at the number of views. Don't know why I'm surprised, but I am. Happily so. But so. Now I'm off to explore a link from WarIn15mm I just saw.
There, that's taken care of. And, wow, I actually put some paint on figures this week!
And while I was at it, I decided to add the widget that shows how many page views to the site. I continue to be surprised at the number of views. Don't know why I'm surprised, but I am. Happily so. But so. Now I'm off to explore a link from WarIn15mm I just saw.
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